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The Blog

The place I string together words to figure stuff out.

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Women Leading: How It Looks—and Why It Matters: An Interview with Lael

We’re not talking enough about women leaders—and I aim to change that.

I wrote a post recently about the ONE thing we share most universally—regardless of our race, country, language, political or religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation or work experience—but RARELY talk about.

That one thing is this: most of us came into this world through a vagina.

Sure, it was a tongue-in-cheek piece of writing, but it’s also a symbol of our times—and can be directly correlated with why we don’t talk frequently and openly about our lack of women leaders in this world—specifically the United States of America.

How is that a “superpower”? All is not well. This is not okay.

I don’t know about you, but I’m keen on understanding how I’ve helped to bury this important headline. If it takes a village, this country is mine.

Come a little closer, my friend. Because I’m talking about it…

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Woman's hands holding markers

Want to Move Forward? Keep Looking at Your Hands.

Whenever I get stuck and don’t know what to do, my hands start to itch and twitch…like they’re hungry.  My hands want to paint rocks or knit or organize a closet. They want to tear into a cookbook and make a meal we’ve never had. They want to build cairns …

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How Not to Lose Yourself

Would you recognize yourself if you overheard people describing you in detail? I didn’t. And it was mortifying for so many reasons: How could I know myself really well, but not recognize myself at all? How could I be so visible to others and yet be invisible to myself? How …

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Turning Jealousy Into Inspiration

Sometimes I forget to breathe. Which is embarrassing because I know better. I know I don’t have to remember to breathe—my body will that for me. But still…I feel like I forget a lot. You know what I mean, right? There are those moments I realize my breath is shallow …

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Did you know I’ve written two books? Yup.

Reading them is like having an awesome conversation with me—but also with yourself. Find yourself on the pages of my books. I’ll meet you there.

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Women Leading

Head in here if you’re wondering what being a woman has to do with leadership—and why acknowledging that matters. This is where I explore women’s ways of leading while also making space for the feminine in all of us.


Change + Transition

These posts explore living and leading in turbulent times. This is where the behavioral scientist in me intersects with activism and social justice, offering perspectives and tools to navigate change—and move the needle.


Lael Stories

Dive into these intimate stories from my own life—in all my various roles—and see how I make sense of my world as I’m living it. Writing is how I figure myself out, and these posts are like breadcrumbs along my path.


Creativity + Making

Dig in and get messy with me as the artist in me plays at the intersections of making and moving. I’ll show you how creativity is a birthright, not a skill—and how making art and wandering can be key to feeling our way forward.


Cycles + Seasons

Come inside and remember what we’ve forgotten about living in the natural world. Discover simple ways to plug back into your truth, yield to what’s natural, and design a life that is more round and less linear—and exhausting.


Spirituality + Magic

Head in here if you’re curious about divinity, metaphysics or how to bring more sacredness and ritual into everyday living. This is the place where I explore the non-traditional, heretical and earth-based practices that root us as we reach.


Reader Testimonials

Learn more about who I am as writer, what it’s like to read one of my books, blog posts or weekly emails, and what’s in it for you—directly from the mouths of readers. They know.

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Receiving the Gift of Feminine Energy

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Vagina - Artwork credit to Ranier Amiel as artist
Vaginas and Leadership: Let’s Talk

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The Other Way: Women Leading with Our Full Power

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What to Do If You’re Stuck in The Muck of Transition

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Don’t Know What You Want? Read this.

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A Letter To Myself in 2019:
Of Course You’re A Racist

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Power: Pure And Simple

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Catching & Releasing My Shame

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The (Re)Birth of a Nation

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