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Work with me and I’ll make it easy.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration, validation, food for thought, or a fresh perspective, I’ve got something for you.

The stage is my happy place. It’s where I weave together all the stories I’ve gathered and experiences I’ve had working with people like you over the past two decades. I also read a ton and have lived a lot.

When I take the stage, I do it with wild abandon in service of my audience—they leave their time with me inspired to challenge the status quo and ready to mobilize people to action in a way that feels bolder, freer, and sure-footed.

Let me light your fire and you will walk away with countless embers to ignite your own. I’m the memorable gift you give yourself—or your organization—that keeps giving long after I’ve gotten off the stage.

“Exhilarating. Uplifting. Emotional. Empowering. Simply amazing. Just wow.”

  • I get the grind of leadership and how you can feel like one of those balloons that zip across the room until it has nothing left inside it.
  • I appreciate how lonely it can feel when you’re at the helm, charting a course through turbulent waters with change coming from all directions.
  • It’s hard to be inspiring, creative, or clear when your head is full, your soul is weary,  or your heart is heavy.

That’s where I come in.


Live storytelling is where I come alive on the stage, and SheSpeaks, my annual evening of women’s storytelling, has become an institution for locals here in Portland, Maine, and a destination event for those from away. Experience the magic and sacred intimacy that happens when stories are told from the heart.

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Weaving concepts, frameworks, and ideas together and punctuating them with powerful storytelling—and humor—is my antidote to the mundane, dry, and formulaic approach that keeps the status quo in place. Discover a refreshingly different experience that is relatable, memorable, and catalytic.

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Experience and humility shine throughout all my interviews, and people can’t help feeling like they know and relate to me—even if they’ve never heard of me. I bring it all, speaking off the cuff and from years of practice, with my trademark humor and liberal doses of examples and resources.

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Permission to put it all down.

My audiences are filled with highly accomplished—and exhausted—people like you.

Which means that when I take the stage or step up to the microphone to speak, I am literally preaching to the choir.

You know full-well those bright lights, white-hot attention, pressure to deliver the goods, and desire to do right by your audience.

You know what it’s like to hold brave space, speak bold (sometimes unpopular) words, and show up fully in the moment.

Which is why it’s so lovely to not be the one up there doing that sometimes, am I right?

I give my audience the gift of not being on stage.

But more than that, I create communities for brave-hearted, bold movers and shakers to gather together so they don’t feel so alone in the world.

It’s delicious to be a member of an audience when you’re used to being the one onstage—and that is the gift I aim to give each time I’m up there.

Speaker Testimonials

Here’s what it’s like to experience me on stage—right out of the mouths of audience members. Trust them, they know.

Read Testimonials


Community Favorites

From the SheSpeaks stage 2019: How I Muster Courage and What Brave Looks Like On Me

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Susan McCulley Interview - YouTube
Age of Becoming interview with me on why being a woman matters now more than ever

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From the SheSpeaks Stage 2018: How What I’m Seeking Tends to Be Right Inside Me

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Women of The Chamber Talk on Women-Powered Change: How It Looks & Why It Matters

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DisruptHR Event: The Secret Code of Women Leaders—How To Know When She’s Already Left You

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Soundbites Storytelling Evening—Tell Tale: How I’m Learning to Brave The Unknown

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The Art of the Break Podcast: How Fear and Desire Work Together to Set You in Motion

Listen Now

That was—can’t find the words—but it fed my soul. Nourishing.

About last night: Wow. And having men there who deeply appreciate the experience, deeply appreciate the feminine, is like completing a circuit somehow. So delicious.

It was absolutely brilliant—how you told your story, weaved in so many other resources and research, and kept engagement…it was amazing.

You rocked the stage. Your effervesce, honesty, humor, honesty, insight and humility are truly inspiring.

That. Was. Amazing.

Thank you for bringing you to the stage—for saying the things that resonated deeply, that made me laugh and cry, that challenged me and fed my whole being.

Holy shit. I just sat and received for two hours with tears streaming down my face. I’m grateful to you for blowing on embers in yourself and others.

I’m so inspired by last night that I can’t sleep. Thank you for being the catalyst, gathering together your words and your people, and letting it rip.

Exhilarating, uplifting, emotional, empowering. Simply amazing.

My heart cracked open. I literally kept thinking I was cracking open while cracking up. Thank you for creating a sense of belonging and safety in visibility.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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