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What does being a woman mean to you—and why does that conversation even matter?

Let’s go find out.

This popular five-month circle offers a small group of women the chance to pause in the midst of their busy lives. It’s designed for fast-movers like you—to catch your breath, plug in, gain perspective, and reflect on what feels true and right as you move forward. We gather once a month during the dark of winter—November through March—in person in my office. It’s like magic every time.

Be nourished.

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Here’s how it works:

Each month the same group of five women gather in my office for two hours around a “campfire” topic—these are the five themes for On Being a Woman listed below, and are the most commonly discussed themes in my practice.

Imagine stories and shared experiences flow so naturally and easily you feel as if someone got inside your head and read your thoughts. Imagine raucous laughter, knowing nods, resonant moans and feeling like finally—FINALLY—someone gets you.

All those good thoughts, stories, ideas and energy leave with you that night like hot coals and you keep the fire lit on your own with readings and wonderings that deepen your experience and aid in digestion.

And then imagine coming back for more—four times.

Come see for yourself.

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Imagining Our Red Tent

This first group is all about creating intentional space—co-creating our very own “red tent”, that archetypal place that houses the collective of women’s wisdom. It’s a radical act to simply pause in our busy lives and take time to reflect on who we are, where we are and what we want—so that’s where we’ll start. From this place of wisdom and knowing, we will give voice to our specific intentions for this five-month journey – individually and collectively – and what we hope to create as a result.


Unpacking the Feminine

We’ll consider what it means to be a woman–what we’ve been told, taught, and what we truly believe. We’ll explore how we’re different, how we move through the world, and why that matters. Using the archetypal feminine as a backdrop, we will touch on the wisdom that lives deep in our bones as well as the specific gifts we bring to this world as women.  In reconnecting to that ancient wisdom, we’ll create some new awareness and appreciation for the differences we bring that are valuable—and needed right now more than ever.


Cycles & Seasons

We’ll discuss the context in which we live our lives—exploring our cyclical nature as it relates to our linear culture. This month’s conversation will look at how we are designed as women, and how we honor and harness, or deny and discount the rhythm that moves within us. We will explore the ways in which we (and the society and culture we live in) can more fully listen to and live from both the feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) energies within us, enabling us to live with more ease and less effort.



We’ll explore personal and cultural underpinnings of the ever-elusive notion of balance, reflect on our lived experience, and define more clearly what it looks like and where we hope to be as a result. We’ll acknowledge the exhaustion that comes from constantly striving, and sort through the messages around being “not enough” or “too much” as women—deciding what truly matters and what are simply unrealistic expectations for women in general.



As we close out this five month circle experience, we will recognize the on-going need to come home to ourselves as women—to be still, centered and grounded in our own wisdom as well as the currents that run through the earth and through our bodies. Recognizing the critical role we play as women– literally or figuratively–in conception, incubation and birth we’ll reframe how taking care of ourselves is actually being of service to others—and our world.

This circle is for you if:

You never really thought much about being a woman…but now you’re starting to wonder why that is…and what your life might be like if you did.

You’re not typically a “group person” and the whole idea of women gathering makes you…uncomfortable.

You relate really quickly, easily and well with men, and have often been considered “one of the guys”—and yet, you realize you’re not a guy.

You’re exhausted—tired of over-thinking, striving, the way it is and explaining yourself. You’re hungry for something you can’t name.

You want some different perspectives, fresh ideas, and new ways of looking at things—to get you out of the box, plugged in, and freed up.

You like to dig with both hands, a curious mind and an open heart—be it a good book, juicy conversation or complex thoughts and ideas.

I’ve got you covered.

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The series of five gatherings is $550 (monthly payments are available)

The circle meets one Thursday evening a month from November to March. All gatherings are in person at my office from 6:30-8:30 pm

Registration includes participation in all five gatherings as well as a circle reader (which is entirely optional to read) organized by theme.

Membership in this group is curated and limited to five

Spots for this circle generally fill up quickly—by September—so if you’re keen on participating, don’t wait to reach out to me

Women only participate in this circle once, so rest assured this is the first time for everyone attending

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Dates: 2023

November 16

December 14

January 11

February 8

March 7

Good to Know

This is not a book club, course or structured program/class—it’s an organic conversation centered around a topic each month.

The intent is to deepen the understanding of ourselves as women, so we won’t be talking about others out there—just what’s here, inside us.

Women don’t usually know each other when we begin—but the common thread between us all is generally me and my relationship with each of you.

Participants are expected to attend all five gatherings. Conversations build on each other, and the relationships deepen each month as a result.

You don’t need to be a feminist, liberal or well-versed in any feminist studies or concepts to feel at home here—just come as you are.

This circle isn’t therapy, and we won’t fix, advise or rescue each other—but we do keep it real and let it be messy, unfinished and evolving.

I wanted to carve time out for myself and connect with other women who wanted to do the same. I wanted to have a chance to listen to my own voice as inspiration on how to fully live my own life. The circle gave me all of that and more.

On Being a Woman served as a launching pad for some deep changes that had been brewing within, but that I could not give form to. I ended the circle with a level of clarity that has been missing for years.

Under Lael’s guidance (a perfect cocktail of masterful orchestration and gentle coaxing), the group settled into itself and in the deadest part of winter the magic happened.

Lael’s constant quest at reframing the topics of discussion from many different perspectives allowed the dialogue to expand and generate a really rich and full flavor. She is able to direct the group in many uncharted directions and somehow not allow anyone to feel like they are veering off course.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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