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Reader Testimonials

Here’s what readers say about my books, blog posts, and weekly emails—directly from their mouths. Trust them, they know.

Praise for my weekly emails

“Every time I open one of your emails I feel like I’m opening a window to myself.”

“I have to say, this is one of the best newsletters I’ve read from anyone in a long time. Thank you for sharing and continuing to do what you do in the world.”

“I love seeing your name in my inbox—your perspective and insights always give me something to chew on.”

“I love your emails each week. It feels like being in the living room of a soul sister I know well. I love how you write.”

“Social media sucks the life out of us. Your emails, however, give life. Love how you summarize and reflect on the themes you’re hearing.”

“Sometimes I feel like you’re talking directly to me.”

“Your Friday emails have been like a clarion call, a beacon of light—I am with you and you are clearly with me.”

“Your writing is so beautiful—TRUTH slayer.”

“Keep doing what you’re doing, woman. We’re drinking you up out here.”

“Every word felt so great to read and feel from you. I just love the way you create energy and bad-ass-ness through an email.”

“You couldn’t have said it any better. THANK YOU for striking the right chord seemingly every time. I appreciate it so much.”

“Wow. Your words were just so beautiful and I’m still working with them. Thank you for giving me something to chew on as always.”

“I can’t tell you how much I absolutely LOVE these emails. They are just what I need when I see them in my inbox.”

“I love your Friday notes—they are the perfect way to end my work week each week!”

“Every time I see your name in my inbox I get giddy. Your words simply penetrate me in such a wonderful, inspiring way.”

“I love these emails. I did not even know I needed to take the time to just pause, reflect, and breathe, but like you always do, you show up right when I need it. A thousand thank yous.”

“This is gorgeous, every word of it.”

Want to see what it’s like for yourself? 

Become a subscriber today and I promise you won’t regret it. There’s a reason I have very high open rates for my Friday missives—people look for me in their inbox and are eager to get their weekly dose of Lael. It’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Just enter your email below and PRESTO, you’re in. It’s that easy.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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Praise for my books

“I’ve never heard someone else describe what happens with me sometimes. I am really loving it, and I keep reading and thinking that she wrote this fucking book just for me.”

“I flew through this book. She makes me feel unstoppable.”

“Notes are scribbled in the margins. Sentences are underlined…I am hugely grateful.”

“I opened it up and could not put it down until I was finished reading. This book hooked me and there was laugh-out-loud comedy along the way. It was like the author wrote this material just for me—it felt so personal.”

“This book had me at hello—and I could not—and did not want to—put it down until I finished. Quite simply, Lael is an amazing storyteller.”

“This book pulled me right in from the start because the stories are so real and relatable. The honesty and heart with which this was written was contagious in that I noticed in reading it, I was starting to feel more loving towards myself.”

“Beautiful, smart, courageous. I’m touched, moved, and inspired. Very accessible—this read like Elizabeth Gilbert.”

“Jesus. Mary. Joseph. Breathless. Spellbound. Nauseous. Relieved. Fuck! I needed this so much.”

“I gave it to a friend and she could not put it down. She kept reading parts out loud to us on our road trip—it was screaming to her (and us) about our lives.”

“Your book is exquisitely written.”

“You bring exactly what has been going through my head and heart, and give it form in your incredible writing style with immeasurable grace.”

“Just read. I am now your disciple. Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling.”

“I flew through this book. She makes you feel unstoppable. My move to a new position will 100% be directed from this. No limits.”

“I love the way Lael writes. It’s as if she’s sitting right next to me, having a heart-to-heart conversation.”

“I read your whole book—cover to cover, word for word–which is a huge thing for me. I start a ton of books and typically feel that I get enough of it at some point and move on to the next one I’m dying to read. I loved it and needed it right now.”

“Your new book saved my butt last night. I picked it up and it was what flipped the circuit breaker.”

“Wow. This is the stuff I need right now. You are seeing me where I am, and honestly, I am close to tears reading it. Your words are the potion I need right now.”

Find out what all the hubbub is about.

Learn more about what’s inside my two books and see for yourself.

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