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Fortify yourself with these 10 practices.

Plug in to your favorite parts of yourself—and remember who you are, what you’re here to do, and what matters most.

Stand tall again.

It’s easy to get caught up in your head, unplugged from your source, and disoriented by the swirl of activity around you—far away from the meaning, joy, and desire that initially inspired you.

I get it. So do my clients.

In this self-guided course, I will share the 10 most effective ways I know to tap back into your power so that you feel grounded and more whole as you move forward—without even skipping a beat.

Consider it my Mary Poppins bag of tricks, strategies, and tools to fortify you for the road ahead—it’s all inside, completely customizable, and ready for you like a spoonful of sugar. Only better.

Buy now for $49.99

I’ve got you covered, my friend.

This self-guided course will offer you 10 different ways to get you back into your boots, turned on, and plugged into what matters most—on your own time, and in your own way. It’s all right here for you now—just one click away and presto, it’s on its way to your inbox, ready to download and tuck into at your leisure.

What’s Inside:

  • Loads of personal stories of how I use these practices in my life—to offer context of where they came from, why I reach for them, and how I put them to work for me (and my clients).
  • Clarity on how these practices differ from routines, rituals, or daily habits you might already have in your tool kit—like “special ops” to deploy when you need them most.
  • Specific and detailed examples of how these 10 practices can be customized and used to support your particular circumstances.
  • Inspiration to try one—or all—of these practices and a ton of validation that you are not alone in how you feel or what you want.
  • Fresh perspective and structured accountability on how to move forward—without losing yourself (or your center) in the process.

This could be the gift you give yourself that keeps giving.

Come and get it.

Buy now for $49.99


Break From Tradition

A practice of wandering to get you out of the box.


A Reason to Commune

A practice of community to harness the power of people.


Come to Your Senses

A practice of embodiment to get you out of your head.


Pause on the Threshold

A practice of presence to bring reverence to a moment.


Go Public

A practice of accountability to light a fire of inspiration.


Sister Yourself

A practice of support to remind you we are stronger together.


Sit Bedside

A practice of reverence to offer perspective on the gift of living.


Be an Ass

A practice of play to keep you humble and laughing.


Notice with Wild Abandon

A practice of divinity to tap into the magic that surrounds you.


Feel Good, Do Good

A practice of service to help connect your desire with others’ needs.

What’s included:

  • 30 pages that feel like I’m talking directly to you
  • 10 different practices to try—each one from a different angle
  • 30 examples to illustrate how the practices can look in action
  • 50 prompts to inspire you to customize your own practice

A PDF of this course will be emailed automatically to you upon purchase. You can download it and also access it at any time, simply by logging in to your personal account page.

Buy now for $49.99

Flying buttresses to support the cathedral you are.

I have always been obsessed with cathedrals—which is noteworthy, considering I’m not a Christian, nor am I well-versed with what typically happens inside them.

It’s the outside of those ancient and enduring structures that fascinate me most.

Sure, gargoyles are cool, but it’s the flying buttresses I’m drawn to because of the humble service they offer these sacred buildings.

If you walk along the outside of a cathedral you’ll see them quietly at work, those arches that extend (or “fly”) from the ground to support the paper-thin walls reach ever higher—to the light.

There is an intimacy between the walls of a cathedral and the flying buttresses—a necessary tension that enables the structure to stand upright even in storms.

It’s my hope these 10 practices might serve as flying buttresses to hold you upright—rooting you as you soar to new heights.

This course is for you if:

  • You’re embarking on a new chapter or venture in your life and are looking for some inspiration to keep you fortified.
  • You want to enjoy the ride a bit more—to bring some joy, ease, and grace to your experience of living.
  • You are hungry to tap into deeper levels of power in yourself—and the universe—to support your journey.
  • You feel overwhelmed by the road ahead and want some fresh ideas to get you freed up and moving forward.
  • You have a curious mind, open heart, and enjoy playing with new ideas, fresh approaches, or juicy ideas.

I’ve got you covered.

Buy Now for $49.99

I wanted to carve time out for myself. I wanted to have a chance to listen to my own voice. This gave me all of that and more.

This has served as a launching pad for some deep changes that had been brewing within, but that I could not give form to.

It was all there—so helpful as a catalyst.

Thank you. Breathing a sigh of relief over all this.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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