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Speaker Testimonials

Here’s what it’s like to experience me on stage—right out of the mouths of audience members. Trust them, they know.

“You have such a captivating presence on stage. A powerhouse.”

“Laugher, tears, strength, grit, brilliance, talent, passion, possibility, light, beauty, radiance, courage, authenticity…you are such a force and are truly a conduit of all that is needed in our world.”

“About last night: Wow. And having men there that deeply appreciate the feminine…it’s like completing a circuit somehow. So delicious.”

“Your effervescence, honesty, humor, insight, and humility are truly inspiring for all of us.”

“What an extraordinary evening. You are fire and magic. You unite. You build. You shine.”

“Thank you for saying the things that made me laugh and cry, that challenged me and fed me and my whole being…for saying the things that resonated so deeply.

“Holy shit. I just sat and received for two hours with tears streaming down my face.”

“So inspired by last night that I can’t sleep. Thank you for being the catalyst. Spectacular.”

“I literally kept thinking I was cracking open while cracking up. Thank you for blowing fire onto my embers—your words have touched me in a significant way.”

Want to see what it’s like for yourself? 

If you’re looking for a speaker who will reach right into the hearts and minds of your audience—I’m your woman. If you want people to be talking for days and months afterwards about how amazing your event was—I’m your woman. If you want it all to feel refreshingly easy, fun, natural and powerful—I’m your woman.

Learn more

Need more evidence? Read on, my friend.

“Your focus. Your fire. Your tone. I wanted to jump up and shout ‘Oh hell yes!’ so many times…you brought the house down.”

“You uplift. I am in awe of your ability to weave. It felt so damn good to be in that room.”

“What an epic event. Exactly the spiritual boost I needed as I sludge through the ego-ridden and sometimes soul-dampening work I’m in. Thank you.”

“You are a genius with your story and weaving.”

“That was completely amazing. I enjoyed every single minute, and your stories reached down inside me to a place I don’t journey to very often. You pushed me outside of my comfortable box, and for that I thank you.”

“OH. MY. GOD. That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever been to. I will never forget it. I feel like my brain is about to explode because I have so much stuff I want to think about now. I don’t think I stopped smiling the whole time—and if I did it was because I was tearing up.”

“You stirred me up down deep.”

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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