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The perfect place for fast-movers like you to get what you need—exactly when you need it. It’s that easy.

Here’s what I’ve got for you

My Books

I’ve written two books over the course of my career—Unscripted: A Woman’s Living Prayer was my first (2015) and Ignite: Lighting the Leader Fire was my second (2019). Readers have said it’s like they’re having a conversation with me and I’m inside their head, reading their mind. Chocked full of my own stories as well as those from my work with clients over the years, both of my books have become well-loved and dog-eared possessions to many over the years.

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Self-Guided Courses

I’ve developed “grab and go” on-demand courses to support you in deep-dive explorations into some of the most popular topics in my community and 1:1 work with clients. From how to get unstuck, inspiring you to action, or grounding you in the swirl of transition, these downloadable PDF courses are one-click away and ready for you whenever the time feels right. Get what you need—exactly when you need it. It’s like you’re with me, but you move through them in your own way, on your own time.

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This is gorgeous. Every word of it.

Thank you for keeping me company on my morning commute this morning—it helped me walk through my day with the right mindset. I feel so open.

You are helping me to explore new neural pathways—you take me to places that have been dormant or I never knew existed.

Wow. This is the stuff I need right now—you’re seeing me where I am and your words are the potion I need to get to me.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

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