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I’m an open book.

Here’s what people have said about me and my work.

I’m not one for formal things or conventional ways, so I don’t do much (or any…) market research or ask for feedback—I know, it’s heretical.

My work comes from my heart, and reactions to my work also come from the heart—in a steady and unsolicited flow from clients, audience members, group participants, and readers over the years.

It’s amounted to a lovely pile of evidence after nearly two decades in business. I keep many of these in a note on my phone called “Lael Love”—I treasure it (especially on the dark nights of my soul.)

Don’t just take my word for it—listen to people who know firsthand. Testimonials are organized by category below.

Have a look around…

What 1:1 clients say…

“Working with you has accelerated several inevitables in my life.”

“You have this ability to peel away the surface shit and uncover what’s underneath.”

“I didn’t feel free to be this type of leader a year ago.”

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What group participants say…

“In this six-week process, I went from not realizing my soul had a voice, to opening the spigot side open.”

“This served as a launching pad for some deep changes that had been brewing within.”

“The group settled into itself in the deadest part of winter—and that’s when the magic happened.”

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What audience members say…

“That. Was. Amazing.”

“It was absolutely brilliant—how you told your story, weaved in resources and research, and kept engagement…”

“Exhilarating. Uplifting. Emotional. Empowering. Simply amazing.”

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What readers say…

“Every time I open one of your weekly emails I feel like I’m opening a window to myself.” 

“This is amazing—are you in my mind? Thank you for reminding me I’m not alone.” 

“I picked up your book and it was what flipped the circuit breaker.”

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