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The Top 5 Things Clients Hear Me Say

(Not that I’m predictable…because I’m not.)

“I could hear you talking on my shoulder, Lael…”

I hear this a lot from clients.

This used to make me cringe, like I was predictable or (worse) haranguing, like a banshee—one of those female spirits who howls about the house wailing of impending doom.

I’ve come to appreciate my clients mean this as a compliment—suggesting we are energetically connected and communicating, even as we are apart.

Over the years, I’ve collected their favorite “Lael-isms” (as they call them), and made note of what happened next—how each was used to inspire them to action.

I share them with you here as a thank you for entrusting me with your email address and a warm welcome to the SheChanges. May these inspire you—or someone else you know—to kindle your fire and take action.

Top 5 favorites I say to clients

 Click on the ones that speak to you to put them into practice for yourself.

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Want to know more about working with me?

Come inside and take a look around…there’s something for everyone. Work with me and discover more of you. Sometimes that’s all it takes, and sometimes that only the beginning.

She is so genuine I can say anything to her. She doesn’t tell you what to do or how to do it. She simply opens up the conversation in ways you never thought possible.

Lael has a rare combination of skills that I have never seen so fully developed in one person. She leads her clients to new realizations and greater self-awareness. Working with her is a gift.

Each time I meet with her, I know I’m going to come back with all the deepest and truest parts of myself.

What I love about Lael is she does things so unapologetically. She gives permission to believe certain things that I might have doubted. She holds the space of “you can want that” when I second-guess myself. And the yoke just came off.