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CategoryCreativity + Making


Pockets Full of Vignettes and Gems

I vote for life imitating art. You know that chicken-and-egg question we’ve asked ourselves throughout time—does art imitate life or life imitate art? I choose art. I know it’s not a forced choice and that technically we don’t need to vote…but I’m here to take a stand for art. So …

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Inhale and Exhale

I’ve been reading like crazy these days. I usually have a couple of books going at a time — one fiction and one non-fiction. But lately I’ve been all about the non-fiction. It began in with Red, Hot & Holy by Sera Beak and The Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, …

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Small Moments

I recently listened to a podcast where Seth Godin was being interviewed about being a writer. I heard him say something that made my whole body vibrate with resonance. When asked to describe his work in the world, he responded: “I notice things for a living…and I try very hard to …

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Do you want to find out?

If the coaching police suddenly descended upon my universe and insisted that I was only allowed one question to use in my practice — no, let’s be more dramatic…only one question in my LIFE — this would be it: Do you want to find out? From where I sit this question …

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Making Room To Read In March

Do you remember that book you read when you were little that just lit you up inside? Maybe it had you not feel so alone because you related to the main character. Maybe you felt inspired because you read how the character overcame unsurmountable odds and grew stronger as a …

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Eruptions From My Soul

Last week I wrote about the empty spot I was feeling inside me. The one that was created when my book was released, like a recently vacated womb. I didn’t plan on writing about that. That post started out as something entirely different. But then I felt it. The way …

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Laying Hands on The Empty Spot

Last week I needed a lifeline. I got one (thankfully) when I reached out to a good friend. Here’s what was going on: My book, Unscripted: A Woman’s Living Prayer, finally came out on Amazon on December 30th, just getting in under the wire before a new year started. I say “finally”, …

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Word Food

I am a huge fan of words. I have often said that my idea of heaven is being alone in a bookstore with no sense of time, just being able to roam endlessly among all those words. Books are my happy worm holes. I have been known to spend days …

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Many years ago, I was pulled out of the corporate rat race very suddenly for a medical leave. Up until that day, I thought I had it goin’ on – I was feeling in the zone, spinning all my plates, dazzling people with my fancy footwork, and buying into my …

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