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CategoryLael Stories


Full Enough

Here’s a confession: I was on a walk with a friend recently and when she asked enthusiastically, “So what’s next for you?” I almost burst into tears. But I didn’t. Instead, I threw some words out that talked about this and that…to fill the space and answer her question. At …

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Get Busy Living

What would I be doing today if I only had thirty-seven days to live?  I love that question. I hate that question. I forget it often. I remember it constantly. That question keeps me grounded and honest, but it also is something I resist because it insists I live here, …

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The Heart is A Muscle

Last night I sat in a circle with a group of women and we talked about how so many of us are openly grieving – and how refreshing and healing it is when we find (or create) safe spaces and communities in which to do that work. We talked about the …

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Stay On The Mat

I had no business being up at 3:00 a.m. But I just couldn’t seem to stop myself. I had picked up Glennon Doyle Melton’s new book Love Warrior, and now I couldn’t put it down. More than just being thoroughly engaged or committed to see it through, my experience was of …

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The Heart Is A Muscle

Last Sunday I dropped my eldest son off at overnight camp for three and a half weeks. And then I proceeded to crumble. No, that’s not entirely true. The truth is that the crumbling — much to my horror — began in earnest the night before. On Saturday night, I …

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My Latest Leap

I can’t tell you how many days I wake up and think: I want to be as brave as my clients.  And let me tell you…from where I sit, that’s a tall order. In my work, I tend to be a brave people magnet, so I find myself surrounded by …

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Mustering Courage: An Interview with Lael

I’ve always found the field of coaching to be a tough thing to describe. Sure, there are words, catch phrases and pithy pitches that make coaching all seem pretty and neat. But pretty and neat have never been my style. Messy is more my style, with a colorful side of real and …

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What My Dog Is Teaching Me

One of the things that surprised me most in writing my book was the frequency with which I referenced dog stories in its pages. Time and time again as I was writing it, I would be grasping for a visual to describe what something felt like and — BOOM! — in …

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Living My Prayer

Do you have a minute? (sure you do.) Do you wanna play? (it’s okay if you’ve forgotten how…) You’re not alone. This TED talk by Shonda Rhimes has just moved into the top slot of my all-time favorite TEDs (sorry Liz and Brene…). I think I held my breath the …

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Catching & Releasing My Shame

I’m going to tell you a story I could easily not tell. It’s a rather ugly story that reveals an unsavory part of my character. But I’ve decided to share it with you because here’s one thing I’ve learned over the last year: Shame can’t live outside me.  Holding onto it by …

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