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CategoryWomen Leading


How Not to Lose Yourself

Would you recognize yourself if you overheard people describing you in detail? I didn’t. And it was mortifying for so many reasons: How could I know myself really well, but not recognize myself at all? How could I be so visible to others and yet be invisible to myself? How …

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Vaginas and Leadership: Let’s Talk

What if talking about vaginas could create a seismic shift in our conversation about women and leadership? What would happen in our world if we all started talking about how amazing vaginas are? I think about these things—and not simply because I have one. I think about it as the …

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Thick skin is not the answer for women leaders

What do we even call this place we find ourselves? We used to say these were “interesting times” and used words like wild, unprecedented, and surprising. Then it moved to “disruptive” and we started to use words like rising, woke and allies. Now I hear us talk about “profoundly disturbing”, …

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The Power of Being Small

One of my clients this week asked me about my experience of a recent trip to Scandinavia—what it was like for me. He had been on a similar trip years ago, and I sensed he was accessing those memories all over again through our conversation. I shared there was something …

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How to Be of Service to Women Leading

I’ve been thinking about you—wondering how you are, what you’re making of all these headlines that feel like battering rams to the psyche. Last week I was offline—not celebrating our “independence”, but mourning the loss of a matriarch…the mother of my beloved. The theme MOTHER has been really present this …

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The Power of Working in Fits and Starts

Years ago a client who told me about her angry sponge lady—that part of her that feverishly scrubbed the counters (and then the handprints on the door jambs, and coffee spills on the floor…) late at night when everything felt out of control in her life. She said she often …

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Power Is Amplified When Women Gather

I gathered my women’s writing circle last night for the first time and I felt it—that power of women, like magic, is hard to describe.  We’re taught it doesn’t exist—it isn’t real and can’t be trusted. It’s hard to describe because these women don’t know each other—and yet, it feels …

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If You Give a Woman an Inch…

I came out of my office this morning and discovered someone had parked in my Jeep, leaving just a few inches of space between my bumper and theirs. You might not know this about me, but being from New Jersey ‘n all, parallel parking is something of a superpower of …

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