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CategoryCycles + Seasons


Receiving the Gift of Feminine Energy

A little over a week ago, a small finch moved in with us. Well, not really, IN in, but pretty damn close. We came home one night and noticed a tail feather in the corner of our side porch eaves. There’s not a lot of space in which to perch, …

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The Invitation of Spring Equinox

Change is in the air and it’s building toward a crescendo as we roll toward another equinox on March 20 (sidenote: don’t you feel like the solstices get all the glory?). For me, the equinoxes are where sh*t gets interesting with a crackling energy that is sometimes hard, sometimes exciting, …

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This winter feels different.  Seriously, I know we’re in year #@$& of a pandemic, but doesn’t it feel like something is….shifting? In our hard-wiring, our priorities or maybe even our vision? I feel like years from now, if you and were to meet and reflect on our lives, we would …

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Winter called. She’ll be here soon.

I used to dread winter. I get cold really easily. I have struggled with depression in the past. I’m a social creature who loves long summer days. I prefer bare feet over boots. I love the feeling of warm sun on my skin. So naturally, my relationship to winter used …

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Tuesday’s Instructions

The morning wakes me before the alarm. Eyes open, the bluebird sky fills the windows. My body exhales and a smile forms under my ribcage. Winter sun. A welcome sight after the cold gray steel of yesterday. Warm socks. Hot coffee. My favorite chair in a patch of sun. Silence …

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Daily Verse 11.14.20—Nature’s Clock

I recently spent some time on a coastal island in Maine. It was off-season, mid-week, and nothing fancy. I got the impression I was the only one who didn’t live full-time on the island, and I felt more like a quiet observer than a tourist as a result. This was …

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5 Antidotes For A Rugged April

April seems to have had its way with women this month and was a particularly rugged patch of road to navigate for many—emotionally, physically and spiritually. Limits were tested. Patience wore thin. Bodies were sick and tired. Ugly and rude behaviors surfaced with more frequency. And hope was spotty and …

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Dear March

Dear March, How is it, that after forty-nine years of doing this dance, I am totally blind-sided each year by you? Would it have made a difference if I remembered the punch you pack with your one-two hits of snowstorms and virus that demolish our well-oiled machine of a home …

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The Right Hook of Physics

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about this amazing experience I had where I literally drew my intention with my whole body. My intention?  To be more luminous. I shared how I felt luminous as I embodied that word in the circle of women gathered that night. It was powerful …

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Happy New Year

We were quite a sight that day, arriving at my youngest son’s elementary school for the annual “watermelon welcome”. A few people, seeing us hobble up the front walk, asked us if we had been in a car accident. No, we assured them, we’d just had a bit of a rough …

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