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SheChanges is an outpost for the brave in the storm.
I am its leader, Lael.

I used to think I was alone. I used to think I was “too much” for people to handle. I used to think something was wrong with me. I used to think I was crazy for wanting what I wanted.

I felt boxed in by rules that felt like landmines. I felt exhausted playing games that weren’t my own. My head felt sore from overthinking things and beating it against a wall of resistance to change.

I was told to be careful with myself because I was dangerous.

It was all quite exhausting. But then you probably know this. You’re living it, too.

What I know now is this:

  • I’m not crazy, I’m just different—which naturally threatens the status quo. This isn’t something to be “tolerated” or “managed”, it’s a power to be leveraged.
  • What makes me different is the very medicine I am here to bring—it’s why “refreshing” and “inspiring” are two of the most frequently used words to describe me.
  • You bet I’m dangerous because I’m a powerful woman. But I am also in service of something much greater than myself, and I trust it now. I do not harm. I serve.

This is the power of SheChanges—to inspire and fuel change in our world.

I know am not alone—there is a larger revolution happening. And if you’re here now, you’re a part of it.

The best way to stay in the loop is to become a subscriber today.

Fridays will become extra-happy if you welcome me into your inbox. It’s like storytelling with serendipity sprinkles and a generous scoop of resources on top—nourishing, free and delicious.

Learn more if you’d like.

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Permission to be wild and space to run free.

Others look at you with admiration. They see your success and how boldly you show up in the world. They tell you you’re inspiring, fearless, and confident. And you are. But not all the time.

I get that. I live that.

Sometimes you’re scared shitless and riddled with doubt. Sometimes you feel boxed in by your own success. There are many days where you don’t know who you are, what you’re doing or where you’re going—you just hang on and hope it works.

Those are the loneliest times to navigate.

That’s where SheChanges comes in.

This is the place you can put down all the heavy shit you’re carrying—the expectations, the worry, the doubts and fears, the need to have it all figured out and look like you know what you’re doing. This is where you’re reminded you’re not alone. Because just between you and me? We are all making this up as we go.

SheChanges is the place brave people like you come to refuel and figure all that out—and then get moving. On your terms, in your way.

Set Up a Call

What happens when women lead?

That’s the question that lives at the heart of SheChanges.

I want us to find out the answer to that question—not by talking about it, but by actively living our way into it. Embodying it for others to see and experience.

Women leading the way forward is the #1 topic I write about. It’s also the central conversation of both of my books.

“What about the men,” you ask?

Men are welcome here—in fact, they’re needed. None of us can do this alone.

That’s the point: ALL of us moving forward together.

Women’s wisdom takes center stage here.

The men I know are as hungry for this different perspective as women are—it’s often how they find their way to SheChanges.

They are beyond ready to take a woman’s lead. But are you?

This is the place where we find out what happens next.

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Credentials and Capacity.
I’ve got both.

I’m an open book. Literally—I’ve written two of them and I am all over those pages. My blog is a perfect place to get to know me, as readers tell me it feels like I’m talking directly to them. The same is true about my podcast. My subscribers tell me Fridays are a happy day for their inbox because that’s when I write directly to them.

I could do the typical song and dance designed to dazzle you with my experience and education.  I could mention my years consulting inside a Fortune 500 company, or that I received my Masters from one of the finest programs in the country and then got certified in coaching at another top-shelf program. I could blather about the hundreds of clients and thousands of hours I have logged as a coach and a consultant since starting SheChanges in 2005…

But that would be kind of boring, wouldn’t it?

Sure that stuff matters, but it’s assumed (and forgettable) – kind of like the price of entry.

What’s infinitely more interesting – and revealing about me and why I do this work – is the story of why I left my cushy corporate job to create SheChanges.

There’s more than one, actually–in fact, there are seven origin stories that led me down the trail to do this work.

These are the stories that started the fire in my belly, took me by surprise, and inspired me to reorganize my whole world around being a woman—a woman who leads without explaining, justifying, or apologizing for who she is or how she shows up.

These are the stories that brought me to you and you to me.

They’re also the stories that invite me to go deeper and deeper, mining for gold and unearthing new threads of understanding that I continue to weave together.

I bring my community along with me wherever I go,  so become a subscriber if you’re not one already, and I will welcome you with open arms and more stories as they unfold among us on the open road.

I am here…

To challenge the norm and disrupt the status quo.

To hold space for different ways of thinking and being to take center stage.

To inspire people to be brave.

To give voice to what is unseen, unspoken, or misunderstood.

To take a stand for the power of wild, weird, mysterious, or heretical.

To play at the intersections, contradictions, and creative tensions.

To weave together art and science with magic and words.

To create communities among outsiders, mavericks, misfits, unicorns, and revolutionaries.

Lael’s strategic insight and questioning make me think she has a high speed connection to the soul of my organization.

Lael understands the complicated relationship of a woman to her business—it’s messy, complicated, and never separate. With her, I could stop pretending to be “all business.”

You know you can trust Lael right away. You can be inarticulate, clumsy, un-composed, tongue-tied, and positively brilliant. You can finally drop that wonderful/awful facade we carry as leaders.

I went from not realizing my soul had a voice to opening the spigot wide open.

Working with Lael has accelerated several inevitables in my life. I could not have done it without her.

Lael has this ability to peel away the surface shit and uncover what’s underneath. She has a way of calling out stuff that I already know or have been told, but in a context that puts it in an entirely different perspective.

Don’t fuck around. Hire Lael.

Lael rocks the stage. Her effervesce, honesty, humor, honesty, insight and humility are truly inspiring.

Lael creates space like a Big Mama, shepherding energy through creative and moving exercises that are at once fun, nourishing and powerful.

Something incredible happens in her groups that help me see myself more clearly.

I was amazed at how Lael was able to identify the barriers I had naturally set up to protect myself over the years—that were hindering my growth and potential.

I am known for…

Bucking Tradition

I insist that being a woman has everything to do with how I show up as a leader—it just does.

Refreshing Perspectives

I embrace my contradictions—I’m an artist at heart, and a behavioral scientist by training.

Being Deliciously Heretical

I ask “why not?” with an open heart and a lot of joy—anything new, different, or weird intrigues me.

Bold Invitations

I passionately commit to freedom, creative expression, and sucking the marrow from the bone of life.

Loads of Testimonials

Learn what it’s like to work 1:1 with me, what I bring to group experiences, and how it feels it be in my audience and SheChanges community—directly from the mouths of the people who know. They’ll tell you.

Read Client Testimonials

Discover your new best friend.

My readers tell me they feel like I’m having a personal conversation with just them——and that’s by design.

Come inside my brain, heart, and community of SheChanges and you’ll find 6 distinct topics I continually explore—adding fresh new layers of insight each time I do.

If I’m Mary Poppins—these are my spoonfuls of sugar.

Check out the blog

When you get me, you get my community.
And it’s amazing.

I’ve intentionally woven community into my business. People drawn to my work are also drawn to my community because they are hungry for kindred spirits.

What you tap into in this community could be a game-changer, giving you that booster shot of courage and inspiration when you need it most.

But don’t take my word for it. Check out what people have been saying for years.


Learn how we can work together

A community that pays it forward.


Almost all of my live events directly benefit organizations that support women and girls with 100% of the price of admission being donated to organizations like these:

Loveland Foundation Therapy Fund
Planned Parenthood Northern New England
Room to Read
Family Crisis Services
Coastal Studies for Girls
Maine Women’s Fund

Live events that feel good and do good.

At the very least, I’d highly recommend becoming a subscriber today by entering your name and email in the box below.

This is how you’ll tap into the power of the collective SheChanges community—with themes, stories, perspectives, inspiration, and resources shared right to your inbox every week.

You can do it all on your own, sure. But as a subscriber, it feels like you’re on a Slip ‘n Slide—less friction, more ease, and great company cheering you on.

Here’s what’s in it for you.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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