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Dive In | Dig Deep | Do You

Get what you need—exactly when you need it. It’s like I’m with you.

How does it work?



Click on a course below to learn more about it—what it offers, what’s inside, and if it’s for you. You’ll know if it feels right.



When the time feels right and you’re ready to purchase, simply click the buy now button—and presto, it’s yours.



Your course will be delivered right to your inbox as a downloadable PDF. You’ll also be able to access it via your account page.

Let’s ride.

There are times when you want to work with someone 1:1 to guide you on a particular stretch of road.

And then there are those moments when you just want to strike off on your own and see what happens next.

That’s what these courses are all about.

They offer you the space and structure to go on your own adventure—with me, but also without me.

You’ll feel me by your side, but you’ll be doing it on your own time—in your own way.

For anyone who has ever wondered what it’s like to work with me 1:1, this is a great way to take a test drive and see how it feels to have me ride shotgun.

I love a good road trip.

Count me in. 

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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