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Women + Power

A 5-month group for women who want to go deeper inside the experience of being a woman—and our power.

This five-month circle is available to women who have already participated in my On Being a Woman circle, and offers a group of five women the chance to go deeper inside the conversations from that experience—with an eye to power: what it is, how we use it (or don’t) and how it might look differently than what we’re taught, told, or trained. This in-person circle challenges us to unearth our innate wisdom and ways as women—our feminine power, magic, divinity, and medicine—and use more freely to lead our lives and our world from a place of wholeness. We gather once a month during the dark of winter—November through March—to experience and play with deeper levels of our power—from the inside out.

Tap into your power.

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Here’s how it works:

The format and feel will be familiar to you because you’ve already participated in my On Being a Woman circle, so we’ll drop right back into that space.

Each month through the dark winter, we’ll meet around a “campfire” topic—the five themes that will guide our experience are listed below.

Primed by thoughtful readings and inspired by the stories we share, we’ll follow the thread of conversation around our limiting beliefs, underneath conventional wisdom, into the groundwater of knowing inside ourselves we’ve forgotten.

We’ll tap our collective power to unearth the innate wisdom, ways, and medicine women bring—and use it to move forward.

Apply Here


Forces of Nature

Just as we did your first time in circle, we’ll begin by sharing stories about our experiences of being a woman, with a nod to these wild, chaotic, and often terrifying times we find ourselves. We’ll honor the degree to which the feminine—in us and in our world—is seeking to take more of a lead role and how we’re responding to that call. In clarifying our own thoughts and hearing the experiences of others, we will invest this first gathering in co-create our very own “red tent”, that archetypal place will offer us some shelter in the storm during our five-month journey together.


Rooting + Rising

For many of us, our “usual tricks” we use to center and ground ourselves aren’t quite cutting it in these times of prevailing winds and natural (and man made) storms. Acknowledging the increased need to rest and get quiet, we’ll acknowledging how our bodies have the power to plug into the natural world for guidance, and discuss the challenges of resist our training and the over-culture we live in. We’ll explore ways to tap into our lineage, ancestors, and sisterhood to deepen our connection to that ancient wisdom in our women’s bones, and have that inform where we are being led. And how we are being called to lead.


Web Thinking

As women, we are inherently wild creatures familiar with chaos and mess, often seeing (and sensing and feeling) how everything is connected. This month’s we’ll play with the various connections and interdependencies and intersections we carry in our hearts and minds and bodies—and look at our own contractions and how they create friction in us. Using a spider’s web as our inspiration, we”ll tease apart with the mess and chaos, not as a means to solve and fix it, but as a means to tap into our power to create illumination of the web as a whole versus seeing it as a collection of the parts.


Working Our Magic

We’ll intentionally engage in taboo and non-traditional for women such as being a witch, women’s power, and using our bodies as instruments, exploring what “magic” means to us, how we experience it, hold it, and use it in our lives. We’ll dig into to the roots of these knowings, our fear of them, and how we experience them as modern women. At the heart of this conversation, is an invitation to see the relevance of this topic today, understand how we contribute to devaluing of it with our actions, and how we might preserve and protect it for the women of tomorrow.


Bringing Our Medicine

As we close out this circle experience, we’ll call ourselves forward as leaders—honoring how women are particularly well positioned and equipped to take a stand in the fires of change. Touching on our fears of being “too much” or “not enough”, we’ll explore love as a tool of engagement, and discuss different ways to “fight” for what we believe in.  Recognizing the need to be “selfish” as critical to our health and our work in the world, we’ll the connect the care of ourselves with our desire to be of service as we reimagine the world—and feel our way forward.

This circle is for you if:

  • You’ve already participated in the On Being a Woman circle and are hungry for a deeper dive into that world.
  • You want to challenge yourself to dig a bit deeper, get more specific, and make it more personal to your own life.
  • You want to move beyond the comfort of learning and discussing—and take it into the realm of playing and applying.
  • You want to better understand your resistance and see where your fingerprints are on the very things you want to see change.
  • You like to dig with both hands, a curious mind and an open heart—be it a good book, juicy conversation or complex thoughts and ideas.

I’ve got you covered.

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The series of five gatherings is $550 (monthly payments are available)

The circle meets one Tuesday evening a month from November to March. All gatherings are in person at my office from 6:30-8:30 pm

Registration includes participation in all five gatherings as well as a circle reader (which is entirely optional to read) organized by theme.

Participation in the On Being a Woman circle is a pre-requisite for this group and is limited to five

Spots for this circle generally fill up quickly—by September—so if you’re keen on participating, don’t wait to reach out to me

Apply Here

Dates: ’24-’25

November 12

December 10

January 7

February 4

March 4

Good to Know

This is not a book club, course or structured program/class—it’s an organic conversation centered around a topic each month.

The intent is to deepen the understanding of ourselves as women, so we won’t be talking about others out there—just what’s here, inside us.

Women might know another from a previous circle—but the common thread between us all is generally me and my relationship with each of you.

Participants are expected to attend all five gatherings. Conversations build on each other, and the relationships deepen each month as a result.

You don’t need to be a feminist, liberal or well-versed in any feminist studies or concepts to feel at home here—just come as you are.

This circle isn’t therapy, and we won’t fix, advise or rescue each other—but we do keep it real and let it be messy, unfinished and evolving.

I wanted to carve time out for myself and connect with other women who wanted to do the same. I wanted to have a chance to listen to my own voice as inspiration on how to fully live my own life. The circle gave me all of that and more.

On Being a Woman served as a launching pad for some deep changes that had been brewing within, but that I could not give form to. I ended the circle with a level of clarity that has been missing for years.

Under Lael’s guidance (a perfect cocktail of masterful orchestration and gentle coaxing), the group settled into itself and in the deadest part of winter the magic happened.

Lael’s constant quest at reframing the topics of discussion from many different perspectives allowed the dialogue to expand and generate a really rich and full flavor. She is able to direct the group in many uncharted directions and somehow not allow anyone to feel like they are veering off course.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

Invite me into your inbox and I promise to make it worth your while with e-mails that feel like conversations.

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