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In Her Words 2

Harness the power of what you know how to do: write your truth into being.

You already know what this is, how it works, and what it gets you.

Let’s go get some more.

This highly curated group is designed exclusively for women who have already made their way through the original 6-week In Her Words series. It’s a bit more accelerated – just 3 weeks this time— and includes a 1:1 coaching session with me to be used after the series.

You know what you’re doing this time. You know the power in your pen to take you deeper into your truth—and how it’s amplified when it’s done in this group. You know what happens next and you’re ready.

Let’s do it.

Apply Here

To refresh your memory…

Here’s how this process works—and what’s new this time:

For three weeks, the same five women will connect as a group (via phone conference) for one hour with me in the evening.

Weeks are organized around different themes (see these listed below) like a “campfire” to gather around and will be accompanied by three writing prompt questions to get you started.

Each week, you’ll pick the question that speaks to you the most and will write about it (on your own time, in your own way) from three different perspectives:

  • 1st Person: Journaling (“I’m starting to realize there have been clear signs this is what I need…”)
  • 2nd Person: Correspondence (“Dear Lael, you’re totally missing what’s right in front of your face…”)
  • 3rd Person: Story (“There once was a woman who stopped along the path. Her feet were sore…”)

We’ll begin with a brief round of fun lightning questions at the start of our initial call, and then will we’ll jump right into the first of three “read alouds” (selections of your writing you choose to share aloud during our 1-hour calls each week.)

After the three weeks together as a group, you’ll be invited to schedule a 1:1 coaching session with me to weave together all the threads you’ve uncovered—and you’ll walk away connected to four other women you’ll most likely choose to keep in your life.

Apply Here



The first week wastes no time getting you back into the practice of writing. After orienting ourselves to who is in the group, we’ll jump into our first read aloud that opens your eyes, sharpens your focus, and names what’s here for you to look at more closely. This theme invites you to show your hand and put your cards on the table.



Week two is where you start to learn the geography of where you are a bit more intimately—finding the edges of what’s known and following the contours into the unknown where new ideas and insights are waiting for you.  This is where your imagination intersects with your current reality and reveals what’s needed next.



Our final read aloud focuses on integrating what you’ve uncovered and decided into your current life. You’ll recalibrate how you’re living now in the context of what you want for yourself moving forward, charting a course that ultimately moves you closer to your vision—and inspires you to act accordingly.

Details + Dates

The series of three gatherings plus materials and the 1:1 coaching session is $425.

Participation in the original 6-week In Her Words series is a must—no one will be allowed to participate who hasn’t already done it.

All gatherings are held via phone conference on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:00 pm EST.

The 2023 series begins June 29th and ends July 13th. Your 1:1 coaching session with me can be scheduled anytime in 2023.

Groups are highly curated (application is required) and limited to five members. My aim is that you don’t know anyone in this circle—except me.

Participants are expected to attend all three gatherings, so please don’t commit unless you can actually commit.

After registering, all participants will receive a packet in the mail containing the weekly questions, the process, and handfuls of helpful tips and techniques on writing.

Apply Here

In this six-week process, I went from not realizing my soul had a voice to opening the spigot wide open.

In Her Words blew me away. It was more than just an opportunity to write. There were so many powerful elements for me. The stuff I was able to process through the writing, reading and listening prepared me to really say “YES!”

I was astounded by the community we were able to create over the phone. So much vibrancy and connection!

I was deeply impacted by the way the writing process both mirrored and created my living world.

I didn’t realize that my writing would save me.

In Her Words lit a fire for me, for my writing—and for sisterhood. I didn’t know I needed that.

Fiery missives. Stories with heart. Fresh perspectives. Nutrient-rich field notes.

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