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Group Testimonials

Here’s what it’s like to participate in one of the groups I offer—right out of the mouths of my clients. Trust them, they know.

“In this six-week process, I went from not realizing my soul had a voice, to opening the spigot wide open.”

“Tonight was so freaking awesome—I love these women. When I put my words into the context of other women, it’s a wonderful chorus. It was so fresh and magical.”

“I was astounded by the community we were able to create over the phone—so much vibrancy and connection!”

“I wanted to have a chance to listen to my own voice as inspiration on how to fully live my own life. This circle gave me all that and more.”

“You create this space like a Big Mama, shepherding the energy through creative and body-moving exercises that are at once fun, nourishing and powerful. Something incredible happened in this intimate group of women that helped me see myself more clearly. It blew me away.”

“This experience served as a launching pad for some deep changes that had been brewing within, but that I could not give form to. I ended the circle with a level of clarity that has been missing for years.”

Want to see what it’s like for yourself? 

Check out the groups I offer and see what appeals to you most, given where you are and what you’re looking for. I’m happy to talk more if you’ve got questions—or simply apply for the one that suits your fancy and we’ll see if it’s a good fit.


Need more evidence? Read on, my friend.

“What I love about you, Lael, is that you do things so unapologetically. You gave us permission to believe certain things. You held the space of ‘you can want that’ for us. And the yoke just came off.”

“Last night felt like a healing elixir for me—thank you for you and our circle.”

“Thank you for the gift of the last 6 weeks and for all the talent and keen intuition you bring to your work. You are a beacon and I am the wayward ship that has found its bearing from your light. You are a force and I appreciate the hell out of you.”

“I’m feeling so grateful this morning as I reflect on our circle last night.”

“You guided us through this experience with a perfect cocktail of masterful orchestration and gentle coaxing. The group settled into itself in the darkest part of winter and magic happened.”

“Your constant quest of reframing the topics of discussion from many different perspectives allowed the dialogue to expand and generate a really rich and full flavor.”

“You create these heart-opening, mind-opening, body-opening, possibility-opening structures in which we can play. And then you give us total permission to ignore all of it.”

Find out for yourself.

Check Out Groups

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You can do it all on your own, sure. But as a subscriber, it feels like you’re on a Slip ‘n Slide—less friction, more ease, and great company cheering you on.

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